Wednesday, February 14, 2007

What this is about

There are many advantages to having a common name (take note Frank Zappa).

One less reason for bullying at school, when I apply for a job curious recruiters won't be able to find anything out about me from a quick Google search and should some dipshit become famous who happens to share my name, people won't instantly associate me with said dipshit (I know someone called Darius. How unfortunate that has become).

One advantage that I originally misinterpreted as a disadvantage though is that there is a great demand for decent email addresses associated with your name. I'm sure many Dave Smiths have tried to obtain, but ended up settling for after 3 days of investigation for something that didn't immediately make people hate him.

Personally, I've managed to bag a pretty sweet email address relatively to my common name. Periodically though, it seems I receive emails intended for different people who also share my name. It's in these cases of mistaken identity, that I can fulfil my dreams of being someone else. Whether a member of the clergy, a doctor, a composer, or whatever, I can be whoever I want.

This blog documents the fun I've had being other people who have the same name as myself.

Names have been changed for privacy purposes.

I'll refer to myself as Dave Smith throughout, although that is not my real name.

1 comment:

Mick Hunt said...


check my name for a laugh